

The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)

The right of access to information is a unique right within the South African Bill of Rights, and is more fully realised through the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). The PAIA seeks to promote the right of access to information as well as improve transparency and accountability within both the public and private sectors in order to realise South Africa’s goals of an open and participatory democracy.
The WRC is a public body as defined by the PAIA and is required to have processes in place to guide, accept and respond to requests for information that it holds.

Whilst all requests for information to the WRC will be addressed, not all requests for information will result in the requester receiving the requested information. The PAIA guides the type of information that can be provided, can be provided only with the consent of an interested third party, or cannot be provided. The types of requests to information that can easily be accommodated and provided are those which do not implications for the rights of third parties.

Please see the WRC PAIA Manual to assist with any request to information. (WRC Manual Link)

Amendment: Deputy Officers (Deputy Informtion Officers)

Please see the Form to be used when a request for information is to be submitted to the WRC (WRC Requestor Form Link)

Completed Requestor Forms, and any enquiries can be submitted to